Your Contribution Allows Us to Share Endlessly
Let's face it. We have a ton of industry partners willing and ready to contribute for better dentistry. Our sponsors are different. We are seeking industry partners wanting to make changes to the number of overall health and wellness of edentulous patients in the world today.
Countless Transformations, All Possible Because of You.
Our attendees seek solutions for their dear patients. It opens up major treatment options for their practice, but more than that, they desire and fantasize to have answers for their suffering patients. That is the most rewarding experience as a clinician.
We like simplicity. Below are transparent support options broken down.
With each sponsorship, we will mention your generosity with our attendees. Every $3000+ sponsorship will have a video slide during Registration (8:00AM-8:30AM), Breaks throughout the course, and Sponsorship announcements.
Please submit your medias here